Oregon's new right-to-repair law bans restrictions on pairing parts

Julie Clover

Oregon signed a right-to-repair law into law this week, notable because it is the first of its kind to end the practice of pairing parts together. Manufacturers like Apple cannot require customers to use Apple parts, which must then be authenticated, since the bill gives Apple device owners the right to use new parts, used parts, or third-party parts.

Oregon's right-to-repair law is the strictest, according to repair site iFixit. everyone ever accepted. date of. It has consumer protections, such as requiring independent repair shops to have a “current, unexpired certification” guaranteeing that the person performing the repair has the “technical ability and competence necessary” to make a successful repair.

Eliminating the part connection restriction will allow independent repair shops to make more repairs without relying solely on Apple components.

In addition to prohibiting manufacturers from claiming no connection restrictions, the law requires companies to provide parts, tools, documentation and software for smartphones released in 2021 or later. For other electronics, such as computers, this applies to devices released in 2015 and later.

Apple did not support Oregon's Right to Repair bill, and the company said it would lead to consumer safety and security issues. Apple will be required to comply with the interfacing portion of the bill for products released after January 1, 2025.


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