Google, Apple and Firefox release new browser test Speedometer 3.0

Speedometer has long been Google's preferred benchmark, previously noting that it is “the most representative of the real world” when comparing JavaScript performance. Speedometer 3.0 is now available.

Speedometer 3.0 is the result of a collaboration (multi-stakeholder collaborative management model) between Blink/V8 and Gecko. /SpiderMonkey and WebKit/JavaScriptCore browser engines with Microsoft participation. Version 1.0 in 2014 was created by the WebKit team, and version 2.0 was created through a partnership between Apple and Google in 2018.

The goal is to “create a common understanding of web performance so improvements can be made to improve the user experience.” This latest version improves the way “Speedometer captures and calculates scores, shows more detailed results, and provides an even wider range of workloads.”

Some tests and workloads may not be able to simulate the entire network, but when creating Speedometer 3 we set some criteria to select those that are critical to the user experience. We're now closer to a representative benchmark than ever before.

In terms of included frameworks, Speedometer 3.0 takes into account: React, Vue, Angular, Preact, Lit, Backbone and Svelte.

Meanwhile, there is an updated set of simulated workloads: to-do list application, complex web page, news site (single page application), charting applications, etc. dashboards and code editors.

  • “TodoMVC is a to-do management application that allows the user to track tasks. The user can enter a new task, update an existing one, mark the task as completed, or delete it.”
  • “We chose a news site to represent the SPA because it allows us to cover key areas of interest in a deterministic way . An important factor was that we want to ensure that we are using static local data and that the application is not relying on network requests to present this data to the user.”
  • “App diagrams allow us to test rendering SVG and canvas, displaying charts under different workloads.”
  • “Editors, such as text and WYSIWYG code editors, allow us to focus on editing live text and capturing the form of interaction.&#8221 ;

Other browser makers also published their own blog posts today detailing the efforts:

  • Apple
  • Mozilla 
  • Microsoft

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