Future iPads and iPhones will be able to tell stressed users to calm down

What the iPad can do when it detects that its user is under stress stress

Apple is exploring how to use its Apple Vision Pro physiognomic sensor technology to give iPads and iPhones the ability to detect user stress.

In the 1980s, if the original Mac failed, it would play a crash sound and display a Susan Keir bomb icon. It was a fad that you really, really, really didn't appreciate when you'd just lost your job.

Decades from now, Apple may take an equally violent step, although this time with good intentions. Apple wants to add a new Health feature that can help a device like the iPad tell you when you're having a bad day.

The recently published patent application entitled “Stress Detection” is mainly focused on how such stress can be detected. But there are at least some references there to what the devices might do in response.

Apple suggests that the devices can “enhance the user experience by providing notification based on identified stress,” which won't be annoying in any way. But the device can also provide relaxing content (such as virtual meditation content, relaxing music, etc.), which again will be a boon when you're meeting a deadline.

This isn't exactly what Apple has in mind, but it can interrupt you with a stress alert at any moment.

To be clear: it's not. And it's not just the iPad that might end up smashed against the wall. Apple's offering works on almost any device. For example, its sections related to headsets and virtual environments are similar to previous patents related to determining the physiological state of Apple Vision Pro users.

Patent snippet showing iPad's Face ID used to detect stress

This new patent application reads like it's based on Apple's knowledge the creation of Apple Vision Pro, such as what sensors can be used to detect stress. These include “electroencephalography (EEG) amplitude, pupil modulation, gaze saccades, heart rate, and electrodermal activity/skin conductance.”

Apple's “Stress Detection” patent application belongs to two inventors. They include Grant H. Mulliken, who also worked on attention detection for Apple.

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