No, you won't get a black eye from Apple Vision Pro.

Apple Vision Pro is heavy, but not heavy enough to cause harm

Discomfort may this is to be expected when using Apple Vision Pro, but should not cause serious reactions such as black eyes or headaches. That's right, you're wearing it wrong.

Apple Vision Pro is a relatively heavy device that can be worn on the face. It applies pressure and uses muscles you may never have known existed before.

For some users, there will be an adjustment period to Apple Vision Pro that may feel uncomfortable. However, some users complain of more than just minor discomfort.

According to a report from MarketWatch, one user even reported that he had black eyes as a result of using the device. User Emily Allman admitted that the problem was relevant and went away once the device was put on correctly.

She noted that one of the first times she put on the Apple Vision Pro, dark spots appeared under her eyes. This was due to the Fit Dial being too tight and forcefully gripping her face like a vice.

Using Apple Vision Pro should never be painful. Discomfort, neck stiffness, and even dry eyes are common during the initial period of use and can last for several days, depending on the individual.

Apple says that users who notice such discomfort should take frequent breaks every 20 to 30 minutes until the discomfort stops. And again discomfort, not pain and bruises.

Part of the fit issue may be the slight compaction and cushion in use. If it feels too loose and requires excessive tightening, then it probably doesn't fit correctly.

Apple allows users to exchange lightweight seals or pillows. Products can also be purchased separately.

Change the light seal or other parts to find the right fit

The ideal fit should place slight pressure on the wearer's cheeks and across the brow. Too much pressure on your cheeks means the watch face is too tight and the headset is positioned too low.

One thing that has helped me as a Vision Pro user is keeping the Solo Knit strap close to the top of my head. Intuition is that it should be lower to keep the belt parallel to the ground, but a higher position actually helps relieve most of the pressure.

Everyone has a different head and face shape, so your results may vary. Many people say that the Dual Loop strap is more comfortable, but it compresses the head unnaturally.

Under no circumstances shall you suffer any physical harm as a result of using the Apple Vision Pro. If you're having trouble finding the right clothes, make an appointment at your nearest Apple Store.

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