Apple Vision Pro review for the month: a new reality is coming

Apple Vision Pro Review: One Month Later

Apple Vision Pro Review

4.0 /5 Buy from Apple

Living with the Apple Vision Pro over the past month has changed everything and nothing. It's a new computing paradigm that's stuck in the same old thing, just with a new coat of paint.

Apple Vision Pro is just getting started, but the fog of excitement has begun to lift. In many ways this is a win for Apple, but look beyond the flashy technology and you'll find that it's just an iPad you strap to your face.

If you need a refresher, Apple's Vision Pro is expensive, heavy, socially awkward, and still has a long way to go for widespread app support. However, don't let this dismal start throw you off. It's still the coolest technology I've ever used.

A month later, I continued to be impressed when I put on the headset for the first time that day. When I'm not wearing it, I'm thinking about the next time I can wear it, checking for app updates, and scrolling through my shopping list in case a new app comes out.

Ever since I purchased the Apple Vision Pro, I have used it as my main work device. It has completely replaced my iPad at home, and I have a 14-inch MacBook Pro on my bookshelf in case I need to incorporate it into my workflow.

This month-long assessment will focus on using Apple Vision Pro, the app ecosystem, and bringing workflows to the device. A limited overview of the technical specifications is available at the end of the article, but more detailed information about the hardware and setup can be found in the earlier review.

Loving something can sometimes mean being its biggest critic. Let's dive into what's good and, more importantly, what updates and developers need to fix.

Apple Review Vision Pro — a month of spatial computing

It's not easy to calculate exactly how many hours I lived with the Apple Vision Pro strapped to my face, but it's about 150 hours or more. I worked a full shift with the Apple Vision Pro intermittently and used it for entertainment like movies and video games.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Solo Knit Band Remains Our Most Comfortable Option

During this time, I have been closely monitoring my body, eyes, skin, and mental health. To sum it up, I have yet to experience any negative reactions when using the Apple Vision Pro regularly — at least not more than I expected when looking at my iPad or MacBook.

I settled on the Solo Knit strap and W+ pad. This combination seems to me the most comfortable.

Your mileage will vary greatly.

Cable Management

The battery was not an issue. When I'm sitting, I plug it into the retractable USB-C cable at my desk, and the battery rarely drains more than halfway if I get up to walk around.

Apple Vision Pro review: the battery cable needs to go somewhere

However, managing the battery cable seems like a constant job. The best place to hold it is hanging directly in front of you on your chest, which goes against every instinct.

If you're like me, try running the cable down the back of your shirt or jacket right away. The problem is that you'll inevitably attach it to the chair you're sitting on and won't be able to turn your head without pulling the cable out.

Apple Vision Pro accessories will likely help mitigate some of these early growth problems. There is a new solution that should be introduced, but we don't have it yet. Until then, the battery just needs to sit on the table, surrounded by cables.

Apple Vision Pro review: Retractable cable helps maintain battery charge

It's an inelegant solution for Apple, but I wouldn't take it any other way. Given the already hefty headset, this was the best solution, and the old Apple likely wouldn't have made that necessary call.

I stand by what I said earlier — The Apple Vision Pro in its current form is the best Apple can create today at this price point. The hardware has no equal in the consumer market, no matter what the abrasive CEO says.

Waiting for accessory support

There's not much about accessories because popular manufacturers have just begun to announce compatible products. One thing is for sure – — maybe hold off on the Apple travel case.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Buyers Can Still Choose Only Apple Accessories

I continue to be very pleased with the optical inserts provided by Zeiss. I'm not sure what kind of coating they have, but they remain pristine even after hours of use.

A quick search online will reveal a variety of third-party accessories made for the Meta Quest, rebranded as the Apple Vision Pro. There are a few custom made cases and straps available, but they are few and far between.

There are already plenty of stand concepts on Etsy that might work, but it's unclear how the face pillow will age if it holds the Vision Pro's weight against gravity all day. I'm hoping for something newer similar to the fancy Apple tray at the Apple Store, but I might be better off buying a tray than some overpriced piece of wood.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Headband Attachment Mechanism Can Be Repeated

Easy seal, pad and straps attach with obvious mechanisms developed by third parties can be replicated. The question is when, not if, we will see third-party components on the market.

Review of Apple Vision Pro — real operating system version 1.0

At the time of publication, Apple has not released VisionOS 1.1. No doubt it will contain fixes and improvements to what I discuss below, but it's still notable that some issues persist beyond the first month of launch.

Force Quit

Thankfully, Apple has provided a way to force quit problematic apps. This is achieved by pressing both buttons at the same time and holding them down for a few seconds until the menu appears.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Force Quit Menu is a Must-Have Tool

The amount of time I use Apple Vision Pro on a daily basis, combined with the amount of Apps , which I leave open result in the force exit menu being required at least daily. This is especially necessary for compatible apps originally built for the iPad.

When errors occur, they can cause work to stop. The worst and rarest error is a failure of the window rendering mechanism. This causes some open applications to crash and other windows to appear as a solid red block.

The only solution to some errors is to unplug your Apple Vision Pro and plug it back in so it reboots. You can also hold the top two buttons until the shutdown menu appears.

Accidental taps without cancellation

The following complaint is not error, but it needs to be solved programmatically. When typing on the main row of the keyboard, your fingers tend to get closer together and can sometimes cause a tapping sound.

Apple Vision Pro review: No undo in Safari

This manifests itself as the cursor suddenly moving back a few words to where you were looking. rests and then sees what you type instead. In some apps, especially iPad apps, this is easy to fix by using CMD-Z to undo, but in Safari there is no such action — at least not consistently.

The lack of a universal undo function in the operating system can lead to some chaos. For example, in Safari, hitting cancel can often do nothing at all or reopen a closed tab.

Rolling your eyes for Control Center

<р >Control Center is a great feature that comes with every Apple operating system. It contains essential system controls and is located in the top right corner of Mac, iPad, and iPhone.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Squint and You'll See the Control Center Carrot

In Apple Vision Pro, the Control Center is located two layers below in a hidden menu you can find, by looking at the top of the display. The top menu is a sort of launcher that opens various functions such as Home and Action Center.

By clicking on the Control Center icon, you'll see familiar controls for media, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and several system tools. Here you can start recording your screen or transfer your Mac to a virtual environment.

Apple Vision Pro review: Control Center is familiar and easy to navigate

Layered design is not a problem — it just seems inelegant to have endless space to display all the buttons in a large window or across multiple panels. There are no labels on anything, but you can look at the icon for the label to appear.

The biggest problem with Control Center is how it is called and whether it persists throughout the operating system. When you look up, a small descending carrot appears in a circle, which you can use to open the menu.

That carrot appears whenever you make sure to look up, and it's great for when you need the Control Center. Otherwise, it will be distracting and may cause havoc with other UI elements, especially if the window transparency bug is active.

Apple Vision Pro Review: The Carrot Also Acts as a Privacy Notice

The Carrot also appears as a system alert when the microphone, camera, or location is in use. I use GlanceBar to show the weather and upcoming events, and it checks the weather periodically. It retrieves the location data each time and makes the carrot float to the surface, glowing blue.

If the application window is very tall and you want to look at something above eye level, this can also trigger the carrot. There is a setting that allows you to increase your viewing height to see the Control Center carrot, but it becomes impossible to bring up the Control Center without rolling your eyes into the back of your head.

The whole process seems cumbersome and requires extra thought. The control center should be accessible, but gaze-based gestures aren't ideal. Apple needs to rethink this gesture or introduce a new one.

Accessibility features can help you solve unusual problems, such as opening the Control Center

There is an accessibility feature that allows you to perform actions by making sounds. It has bugs and doesn't currently work, but I could make a click sound to bring up the Control Center if needed.

I recommend adding a Control Center button to your home screen. This way, the digital crown can always be pressed if necessary, allowing users to deactivate the carrot if desired.

Of course, my problems with the Control Center may be related to system errors that can be fixed with an update. In any case, this must be dealt with.

Apple Vision Pro review — slow software deployment

Several things can be true at the same time. Apple's Vision Pro is great hardware that looks like it was plucked from the near future, VisionOS is a platform that will one day power real AR glasses, and the software story is virtually non-existent 30 days later.

VisionOS app store needs more apps

Before talking about 1000 native apps (as of February 13), don't worry, I know well. However, this number is meaningless if the available applications do not perform the functions I need.

As of this writing, I have 47 native apps installed, including the ones Apple includes with the system. 40 compatible applications installed — That's a total of 87, despite my Settings app reporting 61.

According to the Settings app, I have 196 apps installed on my iPad Pro, which likely excludes Apple's pre-installed apps. Remember also that these are all native iPad apps.

Even Apple hasn't made all of its software available as its own VisionOS apps

Don't start sharpening your pitchforks yet — Yes, I know it's a timing issue. The more time passes, the more applications will be available.

The biggest problem is that Apple hasn't given developers many options beyond a subpar simulator on their Mac and in-person development sessions. Developers outside the US will be out of luck until a wider product launch later in 2024.

I'm very surprised by this deployment. Many apps are available for download in compatibility mode, but developers, who tend to be more ambitious or quick to learn new Apple platforms, are more hesitant here.

Developers are in no hurry to allow even compatible iPad applications to run on VisionOS.

The most important reason that I have found so far is the review system . Fixing one bug that causes multiple one-star reviews can be very difficult.

So, the developer would rather not exist on the platform than be buried in bad reviews. Using public users to find bugs is not really an option.

These problems are not easy to solve, but a month later we still face many unknowns.

Review of Apple Vision Pro — so far a game failure

It should come as no surprise to anyone reading this review that Apple has never really understood gaming. With Apple Vision Pro, Apple seems to have forgotten that the main reason people buy VR today is for games.

Apple Vision Pro review: few native games, even after a month

The VisionOS app store has three tabs — Applications, arcades and search. You might think that there was approximately the same distribution between these tabs, but this is not entirely true.

Apple has wisely partnered with some major apps like djay and JigSpace to provide them with exciting showcase opportunities. This didn't happen in the games.

At the launch of Apple Vision Pro, there were no native games other than Apple Arcade, with the exception of a few simple games. Since then, several games have debuted in the month, but Apple appears to be focusing on releasing arcade games.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Synth Riders Offers Breathtaking Views

Over a hundred Apple Arcade games are available in compatibility mode, which is nice, but frankly, the bare minimum. Apple Arcade has eight spatial games, but not all of them offer complete immersion.

The closest game to fully immersive 3D VR on the App Store is Synth Riders. It's a good, popular game, but it can't accommodate the entire app store.

Other games are on the way, for example, the old but excellent Job Simulator. The iPhone is the world's largest gaming platform, and it's largely ignored on the Mac. Considering Apple's Vision Pro spawned more of the former than the latter, it seems odd that Apple would enter a gaming-dominated space with no gaming history.

Game streaming in VisionOS is possible using applications such as MirrorPlay.

Don't get me wrong, gaming on the Apple Vision Pro is amazing considering what's available. Now. Even playing existing iPad games or using our PlayStation 5 via Remote Play is a great use case.

I'm just expecting more shock and awe from an Apple product launch. The number of games and their quality will increase over time, but Apple cannot fade into the background — he needs to promote and convince developers to port games to VisionOS.

It also doesn't help that there were no game announcements. No big games from Capcom or Meta, and no word on future Apple Arcade spatial games.

Apple Vision Pro Review — A New Paradigm for Entertainment

I'm not the first to say this, but entertainment in Apple Vision Pro may be the amazing app everyone is looking for. Watching 3D movies on a 150-foot display floating above a lake is incredible, but the immersive video is simply breathtaking.

3D is finally good

Last month there has been a slow influx of old 3D movies showing up in my library or the Apple TV Store. My collection has grown over the past decade, and Apple has fortunately automatically upgraded eligible movies to 3D for free.

Apple Vision Pro Review: 3D Movies in VisionOS Are Awesome

However, there is an issue where movies added through Movies Anywhere are not receiving updates . The only way to solve this problem is to buy the movie from the Apple TV Store, but this option is not always available.

For example, the only way to watch Shrek in 3D is to buy a video package containing the film. There is no option to buy it separately since technically I already own it.

This is a metadata issue, but Apple needs to fix it. Even if it means buying the movie again, at least give me that opportunity.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Choosing Between 2D and 3D When Playing Movies

Now that I've had time to watch movies using Apple Vision Pro, I can say that it's the best way I've seen 3D media ever seen. I was an early adopter of 3D TVs and bought new models in the 2010s thanks to my wartime earnings.

Cinema and home TV with 3D glasses have never worked as well as we would like. That's changing with Apple Vision Pro and its independent displays for each eye.

Movies are played back at full brightness, without flickering or color issues, and you're always at the right viewing angle. So, despite the years of frustration caused by the coming and going of this craze, I'm glad that 3D came around and all this content was able to exist.

Finding Nemo may be an old movie, but it's quite interesting in 3D since most of the action takes place underwater. And the latest Star Wars trilogy makes excellent use of depth, especially in the space battle scenes.

Lack of new immersive experiences

If you want To surprise someone who has never worn Apple Vision Pro, just start an exciting video. It's a pity that there are only four of them — “Adventure”, “Wild Life”, “Prehistoric Planet” and “Rehearsal Room”.

Apple Vision Pro review: The immersive experience is amazing, but there's not a lot of it

Clip available in the Apple TV app, which also played during the demo Apple Vision Pro in store, shows Apple has more content planned. Apple hasn't provided any information about the release schedule for additional episodes or immersive shows.

After a month, it seems like Apple would have at least released something new. The four available videos are relatively short and can all be watched within an hour.

Apple captures immersive content using 8K cameras with a 180-degree field of view. The content is likely difficult to shoot and edit, not to mention expensive.

Apple Vision Pro Review: More Immersive Content Coming Soon

Other content designed with VR in mind is available in the App Store. However, they were not designed with the high resolution of Apple Vision Pro in mind and do not provide the same immersion as Apple videos.

As with games, Apple will have to evangelize the content or pay for it directly. There's little incentive for creators to create compelling videos or games for a platform with fewer than a million users.

Audio Pods and AirPods

Readers of my first Apple Vision Pro review may have been confused by my failure to mention Audio Pods. The reason is that they are so good at being invisible that I forgot they were there.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Audio Modules Sound Great

When you use the Apple Vision Pro and listen to any sound, it sounds like it's all around you. If you stop and think about it, yes, the sound is not as rich as the HomePod and not as bass-heavy, but that doesn't matter.

Apple uses an algorithm to process all the data about a room to create sound signatures, as if the sound entered your ears after bouncing off the surfaces of your space. This is especially effective when creating directional audio using Spatial Audio.

I'm no audio expert, but I find the Audio Pods to sound quite pleasant. I always have music on while I work and have head tracking turned off so it's not directional.

Apple Vision Pro review: AirPods Pro 2 with USB-C deliver superior sound quality

AirPods Pro 2 with USB-C offer improved audio quality with better drivers and lossless audio. However, this means covering your ears.

There is a kind of freedom to hear the crystal clear sound that surrounds you without anything blocking your ears. This is why I usually use Apple Vision Pro without AirPods.

However, when I'm watching a video or playing a game, I turn on the AirPods for perfect isolation. Watching a 3D movie on a big movie theater screen with noise canceling and perfect surround sound can't be beat.

I benefit from working in a home office, so the sound from the tiny speakers next to my ears is not an issue. Anyone nearby can hear the sound without even trying, so keep that in mind and use AirPods to be polite.

Apple Vision Review Pro — office development

I spend more time than most people thinking about how I work. Switching from iPad only to MacBook Pro and then back to iPad has made my last few years at AppleInsider interesting.

Apple Vision Pro Review: It's Time to Rethink Desks with Spatial Computing in Mind

Nothing could have prepared me for Apple Vision Pro, however. It has completely become my work machine when I'm in my home office.

My iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard is still my go-to when I need a laptop away from the office, but everything else is left to the Vision Pro. The 14-inch MacBook Pro is still here, but it's been relegated to a bookshelf where it can be called up in VisionOS as needed.

Spatial-computer setup

I come to work and put on my headset with the immersion level set to about 75%. If my office was brighter or had nicer walls, I would consider going through it, but dark wood paneling isn't ideal.

Apple Vision Pro review: A shot of some of my office windows from afar

Working in an immersive environment also offers a kind of whimsy that may not be found on other platforms. I liked placing applications and objects around me — even the little 3D companion Pokemon is a joy to see just lazily animate.

Placing windows around the virtual sphere you're in in Apple Vision Pro is especially fun. I started aligning the shadows on the ground so that I could have each window positioned perfectly every time.

It seems inevitable that Apple will introduce a feature that will restore apps to specific sizes and positions. Everything goes back to zero every time you restart, boot cycle, or power off, which can be frustrating.

Despite this, I have found that resetting all application windows one at a time at the start of a shift gives me a good overview of everything. Nothing is hidden anywhere or in a weird configuration that I forgot from the last session. It's all just fresh.

Hybrid Office

In the real world, my desktop is still mostly recognizable before Vision Pro, although I minimized what was on the surface. The Thunderbolt 4 hub still connects my Studio Display, Magic Trackpad, and various accessories with a single cable that I can connect to my iPad Pro or Mac, depending on my needs.

Apple Vision Pro Review: My iPad or Mac can be connected with a single Thunderbolt cable when needed

When nothing is connected to this Thunderbolt cable, accessories are still charged using Bluetooth in standby mode. The Magic Trackpad automatically connects to the Apple Vision Pro, and the Keychron has a switch to activate Bluetooth.

A separate Magic Mouse on my desk allows me to wake my MacBook Pro from the corner of my bookshelf. He is connected to a portable monitor hidden behind closed cabinet doors, so he wakes up despite being in clamshell mode.

When the Mac wakes up, my Apple Watch unlocks it from my desk and allows me to switch the display to Vision Pro without even looking at the Mac display. This is yet another example of a magical moment in the Apple ecosystem.

Apple Vision Pro review: MacBook Pro wakes up from bookshelf when you shake your mouse

Customization lets you create a hybrid workstation that adapts to any device you own using using using at the moment. When recording the AppleInsider podcast, the MacBook Pro connects to a spare Thunderbolt cable and turns my desk into a Mac recording station.

If I need to do certain social media tasks that aren't possible with Apple Vision Pro, like managing AppleInsider Instagram, I can connect the iPad Pro to a Thunderbolt cable.

I thought my office had reached a point of completion that I was happy with. Apple Vision Pro turned that on its head, getting me thinking about new and creative ways to turn my office into a hybrid workstation within the Apple ecosystem.

The end goal might be to keep my main desktop empty except for what's needed for Apple Vision Pro. But that's a story for another time.

More apps needed

As mentioned, I can do most of the work my work tasks are in Apple Vision Pro, but there are workarounds. For example, I have to post to Threads through Safari rather than the app, and Instagram controls are entirely tied to my iPad.

Editing images in Pixelmator Pro on Mac

If I need to create graphics for an article, in addition to resizing the image, my Mac with Pixelmator Pro comes to the rescue. My favorite apps for creating layered images on the iPad are made by Affinity and are not yet available in any form in Apple Vision Pro.

Luckily, Photomator runs on Apple Vision Pro, which allows me to do most of my image work without ever turning off my Mac. The platform will eventually feature a multi-layered graphics application that will eliminate yet another need for my Mac's escape hatch.

I don't yet have my own writing tool for Apple Vision Pro. This review and everything else I write for work is done in the iPad version of the Drafts app, and it may be a while before it's updated and native to VisionOS.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Written as Drafts

This isn't really an issue as Drafts works fine in compatibility mode, but like all iPad apps, it requires a trackpad because the targets are too small.

Otherwise it is a collection of applications. My favorite Mastodon client, Ivory, doesn't have a native app, doesn't have any good native RSS apps yet, and X has killed any chance of a good app in Apple's Vision Pro any day now. There's Dusk, but it's just a fancy web view for X.

Utilities like GlanceBar show me the time, weather, upcoming reminders, and calendar information. Play and Juno allow me to manage YouTube content for viewing for informational purposes.

This is a good first run of apps and I realize it's only been a month. I'm looking forward to seeing what developers create for VisionOS once new ideas start popping up and existing apps get native processing.

Apple Vision Review Pro — A quick rundown of the specs and design

If you've been sleeping under a rock or didn't read my first review, here's a quick look at the Apple Vision Pro hardware. It's a large set of what looks like ski goggles and is essentially a 12.9-inch iPad Pro that straps to your face.

Apple Vision Pro review: M2 and R1 work together to place digital objects in a 3D world

The front glass cover acts as a lens for an array of cameras and sensors ,collecting data from the real world. The data passes through the R1 processor, which recreates an end-to-end 3D model of your space with a 12 millisecond latency when collecting eye

and hand data.

Apple Vision Pro is powered by the M2 processor with an 8-core CPU, 10-core GPU, 16GB of RAM, and a 16-core Neural processor. It's the equivalent of a basic Mac mini, so compatible iPad apps and native VisionOS apps shouldn't be an issue.

It weighs between 21.2 and 22.9 ounces, depending on the included accessories. Compare that to the PSVR 2, which weighs 19.8 ounces without a cable attached.

Apple Vision Pro Review: PSVR 2 Has Comparable Weight, But Different Fit

The battery weighs 12.45 ounces, which is double the weight of the iPhone 15 Pro. Its capacity is 3166 mAh and 35.9 Wh, which provides about 2 hours of use.

Each display has about 3,380 pixels per inch, which Apple claims is equivalent to a 4K TV by eye. It's not exactly true, but it's close to 3660 pixels by 3200 pixels.

Foveation rendering allows you to display everything the user is looking at in full resolution while keeping everything else unchanged. Displaying everything at 100% resolution all the time would be a waste of resources since the user isn't looking at it at all.

Displays refresh at 90Hz, 96Hz and 100Hz, and for video, variable frame rates are available at 30fps and 24fps to ensure smooth video playback.

The outer glass is equipped with a biconvex display, on which multi-colored lights light up when the user is completely immersed in water. When the user can see the room and the person makes eye contact, the eyes of the user's Persona appear on the display.

Future in the field of computing, which will be determined by the Apple initiative

After a month of using Apple Vision Pro, one thing became clear – — Apple is responsible for the success or failure of this platform.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Apple's commitment to creating its own capabilities will determine the platform's viability

The company must knock on every creator's door, doing everything it can to get content, apps and games made for Apple Vision Pro. Apple can't snap its fingers and have 100 million apps in the VisionOS App Store, but it also can't rest on its laurels and wait.

The launch of Apple Vision Pro was also overshadowed by the European Union Digital Markets Act and Apple's response. Add to this the way Apple responded to the removal of the anti-steering rules and the general dissatisfaction of the global developer community, and you see a real problem.

Apple needs developers to create applications for Apple Vision Pro.

Apple Vision Pro review: developers have to fill the App Store, and Apple has to work with them

New applications appear every week. The pace will accelerate in the next few months once the device hits the global market.

In the meantime, Apple should strive to create more immersive content that only it can provide today. It also needs to finally get serious about gaming, otherwise VisionOS will be ignored by the same group that drives service revenue on iOS — gamers.

If anything, after a month of using Apple Vision Pro, I'm even more excited about the platform's potential. We'll come back to this in a few months when some VisionOS updates come out.

Apple Vision Pro Review – Pros of the first month

  • Comfortable and safe to use for several hours
  • No noticeable eye, skin or other physical reaction after prolonged use.
  • You you get used to wearing it and you may forget that it is there.
  • Gestures of looking and pinching still seem magical.
  • Adding a trackpad and keyboard makes it workable.

Apple Vision Pro review – cons of the first month

  • Limited selection of native applications
  • Almost complete absence of game narrative
  • Zero new immersive experiences within one month.
  • The control center needs to be rethought.
  • Early adoption also means looking for bugs and edge cases that won't be fixed anytime soon.
  • Apple needs to encourage creatives to create apps and experiences for the platform, but it doesn't seem to be happening.

Rating: 4 out of 5


Apple Vision Pro arrived in a world with a hardware boom and a software whimper. Developers are working hard to support VisionOS with native apps, but it will take time.

The success or failure of the new platform will be determined by Apple's ability to work well with others. It's been an amazing device for work and play so far, but it still has a long way to go.

So far it has a rating of 4 out of 5. Let's see how it will look in a few months.

How to buy Apple Vision Pro

Ordering an Apple Vision Pro is not much different than purchasing any other Apple product, except that it is only available from Apple online and in retail at launch. Customers will need to have a few things ready, such as a recipe, to ensure the ordering process goes smoothly.

Apple Vision Pro is available directly from Apple starting at $3,499 with 256GB of storage. Upgrade to 512GB or 1TB storage for an additional $200 per tier. Optical inserts cost $99 for readers and $149 for prescriptions.

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